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Friday, August 21, 2009

Uttara Kalamrita : Section IV: Sloka 18: Loss of Bhava Significance

If the (Phala Karaka) and the (Bhava Karaka) of any Bhava as also the lords of
the Rasi and Navamsa occupied by the Lord of the Bhava and the Bhava itself be hostile, the effect of the Bhava is lost.

The sloka is an important one and describes the effect of planetary relationships on the results (good or bad) of a particular house (bhava)

The results of a bhava (house) are lost if the following combinations exist

1) If the Significator of a house and the Lord of the house are enemies

2) If the significator of a house/ the lord of house are enemies with the Dispositor of the Lord of the house

3) If the significator of a house/ the lord of house are enemies with the Navamsha Dispositor of the Lord of the house

4) If malefics occupy the Rasi of a significator planet, the house of which the significator planet is a significator suffers.

Explanation: The natural relationships between planets are at play here and if they are inimical to each other and related to a particular bhava the results of the bhava are lost.

Another important aspect, the significators are given importance in this bhava while in earlier slokas house lords were given importance. Malefic effect to the significators signs will result in loss to bhavas of which the planet is a significator


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